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A young boy talking on a mobile phone

Standard telephone users can easily initiate calls to individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech disabled, or deafblind. No special equipment is needed.  You can use any type of phone from anywhere.  The Communications Assistant types the hearing person's spoken words to the TTY user and reads back the typed replies.


For more information on:

Voice Relay for Hearing Callers

711 or
800-877-9975 (English)
800-829-2783 (Spanish)

How to Contact a Person Who Uses a Text Telephone (TTY)


Dial 711 (or 1-800-877-9975).

You will hear “Wyoming Relay Communications Assistant # (each operator has a unique identification number) may I have the number you are calling please?”

The Communications Assistant will process your call. When the TTY caller answers the call, the Communications Assistant will type what you say to the TTY caller.

Make sure to say "Go Ahead" when it's the TTY caller's turn to respond.

The TTY caller will read what was said on the device. The Communications 
Assistant will then read aloud everything the TTY caller types to you.

How Voice Relay works diagram
contact TTY

Receiving a Relay Call:

When you or your staff pick up the phone and hear, “This is Wyoming Relay,” don’t hang up!  Someone important is on the line.  The Communications Assistant will ask you if you are familiar with relay.  The Communications Assistant will explain the relay process, if appropriate, and will then connect the call. 


Tips for Hearing Callers

  • Be sure to talk directly to the TTY user.  Avoid saying “tell him” or “tell her.”

  • Say “GA” or “Go Ahead” each time you are finished speaking to indicate it is the other person’s turn to respond. When you hear “Go Ahead” you know it is your turn to talk. 

  • Everything you say is being typed word for word.  Background noises are also being conveyed in order to keep the deaf or hard of hearing user continually informed throughout the call. 

  • In addition to TTY users, you can call other relay user types such as Voice Carry Over, Hearing Carry Over, Speech-to-Speech, or Spanish.  When placing the call, please inform the Communications Assistant of the type of relay the person you’re calling may use. 

  • To set up a Voice User Profile, click here

  • Local and long distance calls are free.

  • Talk as long as you want!  There is no time limit on calls. 

  • You may make as many consecutive calls as you wish. 

  • All relay calls are completely confidential. 

How to Contact a Person With a Speech Disability


Dial 711 (or 1-800-877-9975).
Notify the Communications Assistant that you are making a Speech-to-Speech call and give the area code and telephone number of the person with a speech disability that you wish to call.

When the call is connected, just begin your conversation with the STS user.

The Communications Assistant will revoice what the STS user says if needed.

To learn more about Speech-to-Speech service, learn more.

How Speech to Speech Relay works diagram
contact STS

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